Pet Food

Learn more about the QUPAQ tray denesting and handling solution that’s right for you.

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Tray Denester for Pet Food Products

INTRAY is a 100 % electrical, automatic and hygienic tray denesting solution that ensures a reliable high output of ready-to-seal trays, where the pet food products like food sticks and bites are perfectly positioned in trays, cups, buckets or the like. The same could be said about ANYTRAY, that is just pneumatic instead.

In Need of a Customized Tray Denester?

When using a denester from QUPAQ, you denest trays at the desired speed, so that the pet food products are distributed precisely and neatly into trays or cups. Our denesters are set to meet individual requirements and needs. We are giving you complete control over all stages of the denesting process. In less than one minute you can change to another tray type, and quickly have your production line up and running again.

Choose the Right Denester for Pet Food

With a denester from QUPAQ you make unreliable manual denesting redundant. Your investment in the machine is as quick and easy as our machines denest. All our denesters comes with a tailormade Smart Tool. INTRAY and ANYTRAY is the ideal solution for both high-speed and a steady flow of trays in your production line. The possibilities are countless, and we have made it all easy for you.

For producers of pet food it is important with a safe, fast and hygienic production line, where a variety of pet food sticks, bites and other pet food products must be placed carefully in trays or cups. QUPAQ ensures you all this.


Contact Us to Find the Right Tray Denesting, Loading or Handling Solution for You

Stefan Lendzian
VP Sales, North and Central America

+1 717 615 1530

Lars Zederkof
Sales Director

+45 2936 1936

It all starts with your trays

Send Us Your Trays for Evaluation

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